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Title: Trends and patterns in cultural resource significance : an historical perspective and annotated bibliography
Authors: Briuer, Frederick L., 1942-
Mathers, Clay
Keywords: Archaeological significance
Heritage management
Cultural resource management
Historic preservation
Cultural resource significance evaluation
Historic property evaluation
Publisher: Environmental Laboratory (U.S.)
Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.)
Description: Technical Report
Abstract: This publication offers a broad, analytical review of the literature concerned with the challenging subject of evaluating cultural resource significance. This review of significance includes two main sections: (a) and Annotated Bibliography (consisting mostly of peer-reviewed literature) and (b) an Analysis Section (devoted to tracing historical trends in archaeological method and theory). The literature summarized here is extensive and is not accessible widely to the archeological and cultural resource management (CRM) communities. After analyzing a wide range of publications, 21 major themes or concepts were established to characterize the breadth of archaeological views and ideas about significance. A review of each theme was undertaken, including both a discussion and a graphical presentation of trends through time. Systematic indexing and cross-referencing of publications, authors, and significance themes have also been carried out to assist users in locating references of special interest. The concluding section offers some suggestions and insights into the future direction of significance evaluation with respect to the work unit and within CRM generally. Particular emphasis is placed on the opportunities to develop more holistic management strategies, to make greater use of new approaches and technologies, and to use more explicit evaluation methods.
Rights: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
Appears in Collections:Technical Report

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