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Title: Review of dredged material disposal techniques to identify wildlife habitat development factors
Authors: Dames & Moore
Keywords: Dredging spoil
Dredged material
Wildlife habitat improvement
Plant succession
Publisher: U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station
Series/Report no.: Miscellaneous Paper (Dredged Material Research Program (U.S.)) ; no. D-77-5
Abstract: Habitats of 15 inland confined dredged material disposal sites throughout the United States were studied along with present disposal techniques for dredged material. The purpose was to determine wildlife enhancement alternatives. The objective in identifying alternate dredged material disposal techniques was to enhance the present wildlife habitat of the disposal site, and yet be nonconflicting with the present wildlife setting. On the other hand, these alternates were not to unduly conflict with the present maintenance dredging techniques and equipment capabilities. Following review of the field data, one generalization can be made: the smaller the confined disposal area, the more rapidly ecological succession of the disposal site will occur. Succession depends on the size of the site and frequency and location of the deposition of the dredged material on the site. For example, the large disposal areas are repeatedly used and vegetation succession is arrested in an early state. Larger disposal sites also make colonizers more remote to the majority of the site. If larger areas are partitioned by diking, deposition in one of the smaller plots will not influence succession in adjacent confinements. Specific enhancement alternatives were developed for 5 of the 15 disposal sites. Environmental and economic costs and benefits of proposed alternate disposal techniques were categorized into short-term and long-term costs. Benefits were compared to the present costs.
Description: Miscellaneous Paper
Gov't Doc #: Miscellaneous Paper D-77-5
Rights: Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
Appears in Collections:Miscellaneous Paper

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