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Title: Erosion control at the ARES Facility, Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico
Authors: United States. Defense Nuclear Agency
Styron, Clarence R.
Keywords: Dust control
Erosion control
Soil stabilization
Glass fibers
Publisher: Soils and Pavements Laboratory (U.S.)
Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.)
Description: Miscellaneous Paper
Abstract: This report describes application of a dust-control system, DCA-1295 reinforced with fiberglass, for erosion control. Application conditions were unusual in several ways. A soil sterilant was used prior to application of the DCA-1295/fiberglass system after it was ascertained that the sterilant would be compatible with the dust-control materials. A soil sterilant was deemed necessary because the most common type of vegetation in this area, tumbleweed, is ineffective in controlling erosion. Vegetative growth occurring after the dust-control materials had been placed would have destroyed the system, Most of the area to be treated was on slopes ranging from 1V on 4H to 1V on 2H. Vehicular traffic (e.g. that of distributor vehicles) was not possible in the area; therefore, all materials were applied using hand-held hoses. Most of the 1V on 4H slopes were covered by cables and wire mesh; therefore, short glass fibers were used for reinforcing on these slopes. The remaining area, though steeper, was relatively uncluttered, and fiberglass scrim was used for reinforcing, Because persistent high winds made placement of the fiberglass fabric impossible, a portion of the project area was sprayed with DCA-1295 and left unreinforced until more favorable wind conditions would allow Sandia Base personnel to place the reinforcing and secure it in place. Based on the results obtained in this investigation, the following conclusions are believed warranted: (A.) the soil sterilant used (Hyvar X) is compatible with fiberglass and DCA-1295; (B.) use of the stabilization system discussed herein at the specified design rates will control erosion; (C.)-chopped glass is easier to apply on steep slopes than the scrim, mainly due to the weight of the packages (30 versus 230 lb), and (D.) cutter guns, considered unsuitable for large projects, are ideal for special jobs such as the ARES project where small areas can be covered in a reasonable time. NOTE: This file is large. Allow your browser several minutes to download the file.
Rights: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
Appears in Collections:Miscellaneous Paper

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